- Oil & Gas
- Banking
- Industrial Manufacturing
- Insurance
- Telecommunications
- Transportation
- Agriculture
- retail and trade
- Education and Training
- Media and Publishing
- Hotels and Tourism
- Health care
- Power and Utilities
- Financial services
- Mining and metals
- Real Estate
- Food and Beverages
- Consumer Goods
- construction
- Governmental Institutions
- Media
- Diversified Financials
- Others
- Information Technology
- Services
- Sports Centers
- Index Funds
- Crowd Funding
Date | Research firm | Company | Argaam Sector | Prev. Rating | Rating | Current Price | Target Price | Change | Downloads |
GIB Capital | FIRST MILLS | Food and Beverages | Overweight | Overweight | 60.40 | 75.50 |
GIB Capital | LEEJAM SPORTS | Sports Centers | Overweight | Overweight | 152.20 | 194.00 |
GIB Capital | AVALON PHARMA | Pharmaceuticals Suppliers | Overweight | Overweight | 136.20 | 153.00 |
GIB Capital | ASTRA INDUSTRIAL | Pharmaceuticals Suppliers | Overweight | Overweight | 191.80 | 221.00 |
GIB Capital | BUDGET SAUDI | Transportation | Overweight | Overweight | 75.00 | 91.00 |
GIB Capital | ADVANCED | Petrochemicals | Overweight | Overweight | 32.60 | 46.00 |
GIB Capital | ALAMAR | restaurants and cafe | Overweight | Overweight | 74.50 | 87.00 |
GIB Capital | UIHC | Financing | Initiation | Overweight | 132.00 | 160.00 |
GIB Capital | THEEB | Transportation | Overweight | Overweight | 77.40 | 88.00 |
GIB Capital | TADAWUL GROUP | Securities markets | Neutral | Neutral | 244.00 | 259.00 |
GIB Capital | RIYADH CABLES | Wires and Cables | Overweight | Overweight | 109.40 | 140.00 |
GIB Capital | JAMJOOM PHARMA | Pharmaceuticals Suppliers | Neutral | Neutral | 165.80 | 178.00 |
GIB Capital | LUMI | Transportation | Overweight | Overweight | 77.50 | 85.00 |
GIB Capital | JARIR | Book Stores | Overweight | Overweight | 13.00 | 16.50 |
GIB Capital | ARABIAN MILLS | Food and Beverages | Initiation | Overweight | 66.00 | 87.00 |
GIB Capital | RIYADH CABLES | Wires and Cables | Neutral | Overweight | 101.20 | 117.00 |
GIB Capital | SAL | Transportation | Underweight | Underweight | 289.60 | 251.00 |
GIB Capital | SNB | Conventional Banking | Overweight | Overweight | 35.20 | 47.00 |
GIB Capital | SASCO | Gasoline Stations | Neutral | Neutral | 75.60 | 63.00 |
GIB Capital | RETAL | Landlords and developers | Overweight | Neutral | 13.12 | 14.00 |
GIB Capital | AMERICANA | restaurants and cafe | Overweight | Overweight | 2.73 | 3.30 |
GIB Capital | JARIR | Book Stores | Overweight | Overweight | 13.08 | 16.50 |
GIB Capital | ARABIAN DRILLING | Oil & Gas | Neutral | Overweight | 144.00 | 165.00 |
GIB Capital | THEEB | Transportation | Overweight | Overweight | 67.00 | 75.00 |
GIB Capital | SMASCO | Business Services | Initiation | Overweight | 7.50 | 8.60 |
GIB Capital | MIAHONA | Power and Utilities | Initiation | Overweight | 11.50 | 18.00 |
GIB Capital | ALAKARIA | Landlords and developers | Overweight | Overweight | 20.96 | 24.50 |
GIB Capital | LEEJAM SPORTS | Sports Centers | Neutral | Overweight | 207.40 | 230.00 |
GIB Capital | SAUDI KAYAN | Petrochemicals | Overweight | Overweight | 9.54 | 11.50 |
GIB Capital | ADES | Oil & Gas | Overweight | Neutral | 20.50 | 22.00 |
GIB Capital | TADAWUL GROUP | Securities markets | Neutral | Neutral | 268.00 | 263.00 |
GIB Capital | MODERN MILLS | Food and Beverages | Initiation | Overweight | 48.00 | 64.00 |
GIB Capital | SAL | Transportation | Overweight | Underweight | 278.20 | 190.00 |
GIB Capital | ADVANCED | Petrochemicals | Overweight | Overweight | 38.35 | 48.00 |
GIB Capital | ASTRA INDUSTRIAL | Pharmaceuticals Suppliers | Neutral | Overweight | 166.00 | 185.00 |
GIB Capital | SNB | Conventional Banking | Overweight | Overweight | 39.80 | 47.00 |
GIB Capital | AVALON PHARMA | Pharmaceuticals Suppliers | Initiation | Overweight | 82.00 | 127.00 |
GIB Capital | TANMIAH | Agriculture | Neutral | Overweight | 123.00 | 140.00 |
GIB Capital | MARAFIQ | Power and Utilities | Neutral | Overweight | 65.10 | 80.00 |
GIB Capital | ALUJAIN | Petrochemicals | Overweight | Overweight | 43.45 | 53.00 |
GIB Capital | ALMAWARID | Business Services | Overweight | Neutral | 127.60 | 130.00 |
GIB Capital | AMAK | Mining and metals | Neutral | Neutral | 57.80 | 62.00 |
GIB Capital | FIRST MILLS | Food and Beverages | Overweight | Overweight | 72.80 | 84.00 |
GIB Capital | ALAKARIA | Landlords and developers | Initiation | Overweight | 13.86 | 17.00 |
GIB Capital | SASCO | Gasoline Stations | Overweight | Neutral | 50.91 | 46.28 |
GIB Capital | ASTRA INDUSTRIAL | Pharmaceuticals Suppliers | Neutral | Neutral | 117.00 | 127.00 |
GIB Capital | RIYADH CABLES | Wires and Cables | Overweight | Neutral | 84.90 | 92.00 |
GIB Capital | JAMJOOM PHARMA | Pharmaceuticals Suppliers | Overweight | Neutral | 114.00 | 122.00 |
GIB Capital | SAUDI KAYAN | Petrochemicals | Overweight | Overweight | 11.10 | 14.00 |
GIB Capital | AMERICANA | restaurants and cafe | Neutral | Overweight | 3.50 | 4.50 |
GIB Capital | SNB | Conventional Banking | Overweight | Overweight | 34.80 | 47.00 |
GIB Capital | TANMIAH | Agriculture | Neutral | Neutral | 88.00 | 95.00 |
GIB Capital | ADES | Oil & Gas | Initiation | Overweight | 18.56 | 20.50 |
GIB Capital | SAL | Transportation | Initiation | Overweight | 106.00 | 122.00 |
GIB Capital | SIPCHEM | Petrochemicals | Overweight | Overweight | 31.85 | 43.00 |
GIB Capital | AMAK | Mining and metals | Overweight | Neutral | 53.50 | 56.00 |
GIB Capital | LUMI | Transportation | Initiation | Overweight | 66.00 | 94.00 |
GIB Capital | ELM | Information Technology | Overweight | Neutral | 711.00 | 680.00 |
GIB Capital | TADAWUL GROUP | Securities markets | Overweight | Neutral | 194.00 | 205.00 |
GIB Capital | THEEB | Transportation | Overweight | Overweight | 66.90 | 80.00 |
GIB Capital | ARABIAN DRILLING | Oil & Gas | Neutral | Neutral | 187.60 | 200.00 |
GIB Capital | BUDGET SAUDI | Transportation | Overweight | Overweight | 67.70 | 76.00 |
GIB Capital | MARAFIQ | Power and Utilities | Overweight | Neutral | 75.80 | 80.00 |
GIB Capital | LEEJAM SPORTS | Sports Centers | Overweight | Neutral | 151.00 | 162.00 |
GIB Capital | SNB | Conventional Banking | Initiation | Overweight | 37.15 | 50.00 |
GIB Capital | ADVANCED | Petrochemicals | Overweight | Overweight | 45.20 | 54.00 |
GIB Capital | ASTRA INDUSTRIAL | Pharmaceuticals Suppliers | Overweight | Neutral | 90.50 | 91.00 |
GIB Capital | FIRST MILLS | Food and Beverages | Initiation | Overweight | 60.00 | 84.00 |
GIB Capital | AMERICANA | restaurants and cafe | Overweight | Neutral | 4.20 | 4.00 |
GIB Capital | ALAMAR | restaurants and cafe | Neutral | Neutral | 134.80 | 126.00 |
GIB Capital | JAMJOOM PHARMA | Pharmaceuticals Suppliers | Initiation | Overweight | 60.00 | 75.00 |
GIB Capital | ALMAWARID | Business Services | Initiation | Overweight | 64.00 | 90.00 |
GIB Capital | JARIR | Book Stores | Overweight | Overweight | 16.60 | 19.00 |
GIB Capital | RETAL | Landlords and developers | Overweight | Overweight | 9.44 | 11.28 |
GIB Capital | RIYADH CABLES | Wires and Cables | Overweight | Overweight | 61.30 | 69.00 |
GIB Capital | ALARABIA | Media | Overweight | Overweight | 127.09 | 145.46 |
GIB Capital | LUBEREF | Oil & Gas | Overweight | Neutral | 131.60 | 127.00 |
GIB Capital | LEEJAM SPORTS | Sports Centers | Overweight | Overweight | 116.60 | 134.00 |
GIB Capital | SASCO | Gasoline Stations | Initiation | Overweight | 36.64 | 43.71 |
GIB Capital | ALAHLI REIT 1 | REITS | Initiation | Overweight | 9.61 | 10.60 |
GIB Capital | TALEEM REIT | REITS | Initiation | Neutral | 11.60 | 12.20 |
GIB Capital | Al RAJHI REIT | REITS | Initiation | Neutral | 9.82 | 10.00 |
GIB Capital | BUDGET SAUDI | Transportation | Initiation | Overweight | 60.50 | 69.00 |
GIB Capital | RIYADH CABLES | Wires and Cables | Initiation | Overweight | 51.40 | 60.00 |
GIB Capital | ALARABIA | Media | Overweight | Overweight | 108.18 | 127.27 |
GIB Capital | RETAL | Landlords and developers | Initiation | Overweight | 9.44 | 11.28 |
GIB Capital | MARAFIQ | Power and Utilities | Initiation | Overweight | 49.30 | 60.00 |
GIB Capital | ELM | Information Technology | Overweight | Overweight | 407.00 | 460.00 |
GIB Capital | ALAMAR | restaurants and cafe | Overweight | Neutral | 152.00 | 155.00 |
GIB Capital | TANMIAH | Agriculture | Neutral | Neutral | 118.00 | 110.00 |
GIB Capital | LEEJAM SPORTS | Sports Centers | Initiation | Overweight | 90.00 | 110.00 |
GIB Capital | THEEB | Transportation | Overweight | Overweight | 75.30 | 90.00 |
GIB Capital | ARABIAN DRILLING | Oil & Gas | Overweight | Neutral | 149.00 | 160.00 |
GIB Capital | ALUJAIN | Petrochemicals | Initiation | Overweight | 41.00 | 53.00 |
GIB Capital | SAUDI KAYAN | Petrochemicals | Initiation | Overweight | 13.00 | 17.00 |
GIB Capital | ADVANCED | Petrochemicals | Initiation | Overweight | 48.00 | 54.00 |
GIB Capital | SIPCHEM | Petrochemicals | Initiation | Overweight | 38.00 | 47.00 |
GIB Capital | LUBEREF | Oil & Gas | Initiation | Overweight | 97.40 | 110.00 |
GIB Capital | AMERICANA | restaurants and cafe | Initiation | Overweight | 2.68 | 3.70 |
GIB Capital | TADAWUL GROUP | Securities markets | Neutral | Overweight | 172.00 | 205.00 |
Opinion by sectors
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