Logo of Filling and Packing Materials Manufacturing Co.
Filling and Packing Materials Manufacturing Co.’s (FIPCO) board of directors approved the reappointment of the Board Chairman and Vice Chairman, as well as the formation of the board sub-committees for the new three-year term, starting Jan. 1, 2022.
Ahmed Al Barak (non-executive) was reappointed as Chairman, with Faisal Alharbi (executive) as Vice-Chairman and Managing Director, FIPCO said in a statement to Tadawul.
The company’s representatives to the Capital Market Authority (CMA) and Saudi Tadawul Group were also appointed for all purposes related to the capital market and its regulations.
A secretary of the board of directors was also appointed.
Moreover, the board approved the formation of the nomination and remuneration, investment, governance and executive sub-committees.
The new appointments will be submitted for approval in the upcoming general assembly meeting, FIPCO concluded.
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