Petro Rabigh swings to profit in Q1 on higher sales

Petro Rabigh swings to profit in Q1 on higher sales

07/05/2018 Argaam Exclusive

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Rabigh Refining and Petrochemical Company (Petro Rabigh) reported a net profit of SAR 296 million for the first quarter of 2018, compared to a net loss of SAR 240 million in the same period last year.


The profit was attributed to improved plant operations and stable production, leading to higher sales volumes. Also, Q1 last year witnessed the ASU shutdown, which affected all plants.

The Q1 net profit fell nearly 54 percent compared to the previous quarter on lower refinery margin and lower sales volumes of petrochemical products.

Current Quarter Comparison (M)

Compared With The
Item Q1 2017 Q1 2018 Change‬
Revenues 6,702.23 9,856.35 47.1 %
Gross Income 65.14 772.06 1085.3 %
Operating Income (172.65) 377.56 318.7 %
Net Income (239.69) 296.15 223.6 %
Average Shares 1,250.63 1,250.63 -
Earnings Per Share before unusual items (0.19) 0.24 223.6 %
EPS (Riyals) (0.19) 0.24 223.6 %

Profit Performance (Million)

Period Net Income Change EPS(Riyal) Extraordinary Income/Expense Net Profit Before Unusual Items Earnings Per Share before unusual items
Q1 2009 (28.69) 65.1 % (0.02) - (28.69) (0.02)
Q2 2009 (235.96) (104.4 %) (0.19) - (235.96) (0.19)
Q3 2009 (844.67) (441.9 %) (0.68) - (844.67) (0.68)
Q4 2009 (323.74) 64.1 % (0.26) - (323.74) (0.26)
Q1 2010 271.54 1046.5 % 0.22 - 271.54 0.22
Q2 2010 121.78 151.6 % 0.10 - 121.78 0.10
Q3 2010 (237.19) 71.9 % (0.19) - (237.19) (0.19)
Q4 2010 52.56 116.2 % 0.04 310.84 (258.28) (0.21)
Q1 2011 698.47 157.2 % 0.56 - 698.47 0.56
Q2 2011 (402.32) (430.4 %) (0.32) - (402.32) (0.32)
Q3 2011 (280.57) (18.3 %) (0.22) - (280.57) (0.22)
Q4 2011 50.32 (4.3 %) 0.04 - 50.32 0.04
Q1 2012 115.85 (83.4 %) 0.09 - 115.85 0.09
Q2 2012 (104.36) 74.1 % (0.08) - (104.36) (0.08)
Q3 2012 409.31 245.9 % 0.33 - 409.31 0.33
Q4 2012 68.07 35.3 % 0.05 - 68.07 0.05
Q1 2013 (658.06) (668.1 %) (0.53) - (658.06) (0.53)
Q2 2013 (236.70) (126.8 %) (0.19) - (236.70) (0.19)
Q3 2013 14.03 (96.6 %) 0.01 - 14.03 0.01
Q4 2013 1,239.91 1721.5 % 0.99 750.00 489.91 0.39
Q1 2014 413.05 162.8 % 0.33 - 413.05 0.33
Q2 2014 171.98 172.7 % 0.14 - 171.98 0.14
Q3 2014 294.33 1997.6 % 0.24 - 294.33 0.24
Q4 2014 (197.92) (116.0 %) (0.16) - (197.92) (0.16)
Q1 2015 205.43 (50.3 %) 0.16 - 205.43 0.16
Q2 2015 504.92 193.6 % 0.40 - 504.92 0.40
Q3 2015 (460.12) (256.3 %) (0.37) - (460.12) (0.37)
Q4 2015 (1008.73) (409.7 %) (0.81) - (1008.73) (0.81)
Q1 2016 (36.64) (117.8 %) (0.03) - (36.64) (0.03)
Q2 2016 101.00 (80.0 %) 0.08 - 101.00 0.08
Q3 2016 (210.55) 54.2 % (0.17) - (210.55) (0.17)
Q4 2016 180.98 117.9 % 0.14 - 180.98 0.14
Q1 2017 (239.69) (554.2 %) (0.19) - (239.69) (0.19)
Q2 2017 315.66 212.6 % 0.25 - 315.66 0.25
Q3 2017 706.47 435.5 % 0.56 - 706.47 0.56
Q4 2017 640.54 253.9 % 0.51 - 640.54 0.51
Q1 2018 296.15 223.6 % 0.24 - 296.15 0.24

Financial results (Million)

Period Revenues Change Gross Income Change Operating Income Change
Q1 2009 5,629.22 - 107.04 - (38.90) 64.8 %
Q2 2009 6,147.55 - (67.37) - (240.06) (91.0 %)
Q3 2009 7,301.02 - (582.14) - (745.59) (372.0 %)
Q4 2009 10,344.92 58.1 % 87.12 114.0 % (184.44) 79.7 %
Q1 2010 10,676.41 89.7 % 159.49 49.0 % (49.76) (27.9 %)
Q2 2010 12,000.67 95.2 % 314.81 567.3 % 82.93 134.5 %
Q3 2010 11,274.84 54.4 % (23.30) 96.0 % (213.08) 71.4 %
Q4 2010 12,885.98 24.6 % 277.66 218.7 % 67.11 136.4 %
Q1 2011 15,053.32 41.0 % 939.15 488.8 % 709.57 1525.9 %
Q2 2011 7,629.24 (36.4 %) (178.88) (156.8 %) (389.08) (569.2 %)
Q3 2011 14,100.10 25.1 % (78.14) (235.4 %) (271.42) (27.4 %)
Q4 2011 16,594.17 28.8 % 302.06 8.8 % 53.72 (20.0 %)
Q1 2012 15,998.12 6.3 % 381.45 (59.4 %) 151.39 (78.7 %)
Q2 2012 14,844.32 94.6 % 173.23 196.8 % (62.19) 84.0 %
Q3 2012 15,503.01 9.9 % 644.33 924.6 % 460.97 269.8 %
Q4 2012 15,665.42 (5.6 %) 330.16 9.3 % 103.79 93.2 %
Q1 2013 10,189.36 (36.3 %) (449.51) (217.8 %) (628.46) (515.1 %)
Q2 2013 14,195.60 (4.4 %) (6.50) (103.8 %) (210.91) (239.1 %)
Q3 2013 12,539.61 (19.1 %) 201.93 (68.7 %) 27.94 (93.9 %)
Q4 2013 13,673.13 (12.7 %) 715.18 116.6 % 498.43 380.2 %
Q1 2014 14,235.50 39.7 % 672.14 249.5 % 416.31 166.2 %
Q2 2014 14,040.48 (1.1 %) 446.38 6968.4 % 192.36 191.2 %
Q3 2014 14,814.36 18.1 % 558.23 176.4 % 306.15 995.8 %
Q4 2014 11,146.41 (18.5 %) 48.49 (93.2 %) (181.08) (136.3 %)
Q1 2015 7,648.01 (46.3 %) 577.44 (14.1 %) 225.34 (45.9 %)
Q2 2015 8,495.54 (39.5 %) 740.32 65.9 % 493.77 156.7 %
Q3 2015 6,674.60 (54.9 %) (250.09) (144.8 %) (463.33) (251.3 %)
Q4 2015 2,695.71 (75.8 %) (772.34) (1692.7 %) (1015.87) (461.0 %)
Q1 2016 4,947.26 (35.3 %) 221.46 (61.6 %) (9.53) (104.2 %)
Q2 2016 6,335.74 (25.4 %) 400.82 (45.9 %) 115.95 (76.5 %)
Q3 2016 6,375.62 (4.5 %) 25.03 110.0 % (201.43) 56.5 %
Q4 2016 7,487.51 177.8 % 460.12 159.6 % 217.56 121.4 %
Q1 2017 6,702.23 35.5 % 65.14 (70.6 %) (172.65) (1,711.3 %)
Q2 2017 8,843.80 39.6 % 634.67 58.3 % 392.70 238.7 %
Q3 2017 9,141.32 43.4 % 1,101.80 4301.9 % 809.76 502.0 %
Q4 2017 9,523.67 27.2 % 894.42 94.4 % 623.16 186.4 %
Q1 2018 9,856.35 47.1 % 772.06 1085.3 % 377.56 318.7 %


Period Gross Margin OIBDA Margin Net Margin Before Unusual Items
Q1 2009 (4.23 %) (6.51 %) (9.88 %)
Q2 2009 (3.18 %) (4.06 %) (7.22 %)
Q3 2009 (4.54 %) (4.51 %) (7.85 %)
Q4 2009 (1.55 %) (0.49 %) (4.87 %)
Q1 2010 (1.17 %) 0.52 % (3.29 %)
Q2 2010 (0.05 %) 2.28 % (1.92 %)
Q3 2010 1.21 % 4.04 % (0.38 %)
Q4 2010 1.56 % 4.07 % (0.22 %)
Q1 2011 2.95 % 5.22 % 0.63 %
Q2 2011 2.17 % 4.54 % (0.43 %)
Q3 2011 1.93 % 4.22 % (0.49 %)
Q4 2011 1.84 % 4.14 % 0.12 %
Q1 2012 0.79 % 3.11 % (0.95 %)
Q2 2012 1.27 % 3.34 % (0.36 %)
Q3 2012 2.38 % 4.44 % 0.75 %
Q4 2012 2.47 % 4.57 % 0.79 %
Q1 2013 1.24 % 3.66 % (0.51 %)
Q2 2013 0.93 % 3.43 % (0.75 %)
Q3 2013 0.14 % 2.80 % (1.55 %)
Q4 2013 0.91 % 3.72 % (0.77 %)
Q1 2014 2.90 % 5.38 % 1.24 %
Q2 2014 3.74 % 6.20 % 2.00 %
Q3 2014 4.21 % 6.49 % 2.41 %
Q4 2014 3.18 % 5.56 % 1.26 %
Q1 2015 3.42 % 5.94 % 0.99 %
Q2 2015 4.57 % 7.40 % 1.92 %
Q3 2015 3.29 % 6.76 % 0.15 %
Q4 2015 1.16 % 5.55 % (2.97 %)
Q1 2016 (0.27 %) 5.38 % (4.39 %)
Q2 2016 (1.94 %) 4.26 % (6.80 %)
Q3 2016 (0.61 %) 5.96 % (5.67 %)
Q4 2016 4.40 % 10.11 % 0.14 %
Q1 2017 3.54 % 8.81 % (0.63 %)
Q2 2017 4.03 % 9.05 % 0.16 %
Q3 2017 7.03 % 11.47 % 2.99 %
Q4 2017 7.88 % 11.97 % 4.16 %
Q1 2018 9.11 % 12.46 % 5.24 %

Per Share Data (Riyal)

Compared With The
Period Shares Outstanding (M) EPS (Riyal) Earnings Per Share before unusual items (Riyal) Book Value (BV)
Q1 2009 1,250.63 (0.96) (0.96) 7.38
Q2 2009 1,250.63 (1.06) (1.06) 7.20
Q3 2009 1,250.63 (1.61) (1.61) 6.52
Q4 2009 1,250.63 (1.15) (1.15) 6.26
Q1 2010 1,250.63 (0.91) (0.91) 6.48
Q2 2010 1,250.63 (0.62) (0.62) 6.58
Q3 2010 1,250.63 (0.13) (0.13) 6.39
Q4 2010 1,250.63 0.17 (0.08) 6.40
Q1 2011 1,250.63 0.51 0.26 6.95
Q2 2011 1,250.63 0.09 (0.16) 6.63
Q3 2011 1,250.63 0.05 (0.19) 6.41
Q4 2011 1,250.63 0.05 0.05 6.47
Q1 2012 1,250.63 (0.41) (0.41) 6.56
Q2 2012 1,250.63 (0.17) (0.17) 6.48
Q3 2012 1,250.63 0.38 0.38 6.80
Q4 2012 1,250.63 0.39 0.39 6.85
Q1 2013 1,250.63 (0.23) (0.23) 6.32
Q2 2013 1,250.63 (0.33) (0.33) 6.13
Q3 2013 1,250.63 (0.65) (0.65) 6.15
Q4 2013 1,250.63 0.29 (0.31) 7.13
Q1 2014 1,250.63 1.14 0.54 7.46
Q2 2014 1,250.63 1.47 0.87 7.59
Q3 2014 1,250.63 1.69 1.09 7.81
Q4 2014 1,250.63 0.54 0.54 7.64
Q1 2015 1,250.63 0.38 0.38 7.80
Q2 2015 1,250.63 0.65 0.65 8.20
Q3 2015 1,250.63 0.04 0.04 7.47
Q4 2015 1,250.63 (0.61) (0.61) 6.68
Q1 2016 1,250.63 (0.80) (0.80) 6.57
Q2 2016 1,250.63 (1.12) (1.12) 6.66
Q3 2016 1,250.63 (0.92) (0.92) 6.48
Q4 2016 1,250.63 0.03 0.03 6.71
Q1 2017 1,250.63 (0.13) (0.13) 6.43
Q2 2017 1,250.63 0.04 0.04 6.71
Q3 2017 1,250.63 0.77 0.77 7.34
Q4 2017 1,250.63 1.14 1.14 8.06
Q1 2018 1,250.63 1.57 1.57 8.36

Multiple Ratios (End of Period Price)

Compared With The
Period P/E Adjusted P/E Price/book
Q1 2009 NEG NEG 2.61
Q2 2009 NEG NEG 3.67
Q3 2009 NEG NEG 5.01
Q4 2009 NEG NEG 5.31
Q1 2010 NEG NEG 4.93
Q2 2010 NEG NEG 3.90
Q3 2010 NEG NEG 3.64
Q4 2010 More than 100 NEG 3.28
Q1 2011 45.41 88.87 3.32
Q2 2011 More than 100 NEG 3.80
Q3 2011 More than 100 NEG 3.57
Q4 2011 More than 100 More than 100 3.37
Q1 2012 NEG NEG 3.77
Q2 2012 NEG NEG 2.75
Q3 2012 45.98 45.98 2.55
Q4 2012 42.03 42.03 2.40
Q1 2013 NEG NEG 2.60
Q2 2013 NEG NEG 2.42
Q3 2013 NEG NEG 2.31
Q4 2013 79.05 NEG 3.18
Q1 2014 21.37 44.92 3.28
Q2 2014 19.67 33.21 3.81
Q3 2014 18.24 28.23 3.96
Q4 2014 31.19 31.19 2.22
Q1 2015 52.78 52.78 2.56
Q2 2015 30.59 30.59 2.41
Q3 2015 More than 100 More than 100 2.01
Q4 2015 NEG NEG 1.72
Q1 2016 NEG NEG 1.50
Q2 2016 NEG NEG 1.62
Q3 2016 NEG NEG 1.43
Q4 2016 More than 100 More than 100 1.64
Q1 2017 NEG NEG 1.85
Q2 2017 More than 100 More than 100 1.59
Q3 2017 16.71 16.71 1.75
Q4 2017 13.53 13.53 1.91
Q1 2018 14.84 14.84 2.78

Business Segments (Million)

Compared With The
Period Refined products Petrochemical products
Q1 2009 5,629.22 -
Q2 2009 6,147.55 -
Q3 2009 6,993.09 307.92
Q4 2009 9,127.26 1,217.67
Q1 2010 8,913.81 1,762.60
Q2 2010 9,558.49 2,442.18
Q3 2010 9,643.47 1,631.36
Q4 2010 10,942.03 1,943.95
Q1 2011 12,677.38 2,375.95
Q2 2011 6,540.62 1,088.63
Q3 2011 12,335.94 1,764.15
Q4 2011 13,711.37 2,882.80
Q1 2012 13,734.88 2,263.24
Q2 2012 12,337.62 2,506.70
Q3 2012 13,523.90 1,979.12
Q4 2012 12,945.52 2,719.91
Q1 2013 9,081.84 1,107.53
Q2 2013 12,300.99 1,894.61
Q3 2013 10,172.41 2,367.20
Q4 2013 11,310.72 2,362.41
Q1 2014 11,728.13 2,507.37
Q2 2014 11,627.12 2,413.36
Q3 2014 12,239.59 2,574.78
Q4 2014 8,501.53 2,644.88
Q1 2015 5,808.61 1,839.40
Q2 2015 6,508.04 1,987.50
Q3 2015 5,337.85 1,336.75
Q4 2015 1,846.11 849.60
Q1 2016 3,949.86 997.40
Q2 2016 4,609.96 1,725.79
Q3 2016 5,036.36 1,339.26
Q4 2016 5,827.73 1,659.77
Q1 2017 5,288.48 1,413.75
Q2 2017 6,781.72 2,062.09
Q3 2017 6,986.55 2,154.77
Q4 2017 7,180.40 2,343.26
Q1 2018 7,525.00 2,331.35

Market Cap (M Riyal) 11,513.19
Enterprise Value (EV) (M) 37,313.44
Shares Outstanding ((M)) 1,671.00
EPS ( Riyal) (TTM) (3.08)
Book Value (BV) ( Riyal) 6.33
Par Value ( Riyal) 10.00
Adjusted P/E (Last12) Neg
Price/book 1.09
Return on Average Assets (%) (TTM) (8.18 )
Return on Average Equity (%) (TTM) (45.74 )

Share Price

Rabigh Refining and Petrochemical Co. (PETRO RABIGH)

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