Tabuk Cement 9M 2024 earnings rise to SAR 70.5M; Q3 at SAR 23.1M

Tabuk Cement 9M 2024 earnings rise to SAR 70.5M; Q3 at SAR 23.1M

04/11/2024 Argaam Exclusive

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Tabuk Cement Co. posted net earnings of SAR 70.5 million for the first nine months of 2024, up from SAR 25.2 million a year before, supported by higher sales volumes and other income.

Financials (M)

Item 9m 2023 9m 2024 Change‬
Revenues 198.79 262.60 32.1 %
Gross Income 51.08 80.23 57.1 %
Operating Income 28.05 54.89 95.7 %
Net Income 25.16 70.50 180.2 %
Average Shares 90.00 90.00 -
Earnings Per Share before unusual items 0.28 0.78 180.2 %
EPS (Riyals) 0.28 0.78 180.2 %

Current Quarter Comparison (M)

Compared With The
Item Q3 2023 Q3 2024 Change‬
Revenues 54.13 90.12 66.5 %
Gross Income 5.51 28.16 410.8 %
Operating Income (2.30) 19.22 934.6 %
Net Income (4.15) 23.05 655.6 %
Average Shares 90.00 90.00 -
Earnings Per Share before unusual items (0.05) 0.26 655.6 %
EPS (Riyals) (0.05) 0.26 655.6 %

In Q3 2024, the cement producer swung to net earnings of SAR 23.1 million, from a loss of SAR 4.15 million in Q3 2023, driven by higher sales value and volumes as well as other income.


However, the third-quarter net earnings dropped 26.5% from SAR 31.34 million in Q2 2024, as other income slumped on a quarterly basis despite growth in sales value and volumes.


Total shareholders' equity, no minority interest, reached SAR 1.33 billion by the end of Q3 2024, up from SAR 1.31 billion a year before.

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