Private sector manages 39% of municipal sector: Al-Hogail

27/01/2025 ِArgaam

Majed Al-Hogail, Minister of Municipalities and Housing 

The private sector currently manages 39% of the municipal sector, with plans to increase this share to 70%, said Minister of Municipalities and Housing Majed Al-Hogail.


During a panel discussion at the Real Estate Future Forum, he highlighted that this collaboration significantly enhanced revenues, with municipal sector earnings increasing fourfold over the past three years as a result of private sector involvement.


The minister also emphasized that the private sector fully manages the housing sector, overseeing planning, construction, and financing.


He noted that one of the key indicators in the sector is the rapid growth in homeownership, driven by both local and international developers. Efforts continue to focus on providing housing units for families most in need, the minister added.


Al-Hogail said that the financial sector is experiencing significant growth due to housing projects within the municipal sector, highlighting that municipal activities contribute 14% to the economy.

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