Logo of Alshehili Co.
The Saudi Exchange (Tadawul) announced that shares of Alshehili Co. will start trading on the Nomu-Parallel Market on Jan. 29, with the symbol 9624 and ISIN Code SA168H84MC16.
The stock will trade with daily and static price fluctuation limits of +/-30% and +/-10%, respectively.
The Securities Depository Center Co. (Edaa) said the company’s subscribed securities were deposited today, Jan. 27, into the accounts of eligible shareholders.
According to Argaam data, Alshehili floated 25% of the company's pre-IPO capital, currently valued at SAR 20 million, divided into 2 million shares with a nominal value of SAR 10 each. These shares also make up 20% of the post-IPO capital.
The subscription period for qualified investors began on Jan. 5, for 500,000 shares, with the offering price range set between SAR 76 and SAR 80 per share. The final offering price was set at SAR 80 per share, with a coverage rate of 231.76% of the total shares.
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