Logo of Riyadh Cement Co.
Riyadh Cement Co. signed an agreement with the National Electricity Transmission Co., a subsidiary of Saudi Electricity Co. (SEC), to implement a project for the construction of an electric transmission substation.
The new utility is aimed at supplying electricity to the company's plant located in Nisah, Riyadh, with a power load capacity of 92.2 MVA, the company said in a statement to Tadawul.
For more news and details on the projects
The deal came as part of the transformational Liquid Displacement Program, in accordance with the signed agreement, which is valid until December 2025 or until the project completion, it noted.
The company also indicated that the project would contribute to reducing emissions from electricity generation within its facilities and increasing the operational reliability of the electrical grid without entailing a material financial impact on it.
The deal is deemed an extension of the efforts of the energy system and the industry and mining sector to achieve the objectives of the liquid fuel substitution program, it added.
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