NCLE reappoints Khalid Al-Khudair as Chairman

29/02/2024 Argaam
National Company for Learning Education (NCLE)headquarters

National Company for Learning & Education (NCLE) headquarters

The National Company for Learning & Education's (NCLE) board of directors decided today, Feb. 29 to reappoint Khalid Al-Khudair as Chairman, Ibrahim Al-Derei as Vice Chairman, according to a statement to Tadawul.


The board also formed the nomination and remuneration, governance, and investment committees.


The board appointed Abdulaziz Al-Thiab to chair the nomination and remuneration committee, which includes Ibrahim Al-Derei and Mohammed Al- Khudair.


Ibrahim Al-Derei was also named the chair of the governance committee, which includes Abdulaziz Al-Thiab and Mohammed bin Khalid Al-Khudair.


Khaled Al-Khudair was appointed the chair of the investment committee, which includes Abdulaziz Al-Swailem, Mohammed bin Khalid Al- Khudair, Mohammed bin Ibrahim Al- Khudair, and Abdullah Balsharaf.


The board also appointed representatives at the Capital Market Authority and the Saudi Tadawul Group for all purposes related to the application of laws and regulations.

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