City Cement shareholders to vote on interim dividends for 2020 on June 29

19/05/2020 Argaam

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City Cement Co.’s shareholders will vote on authorizing the board of directors to distribute interim dividends on a semi-annual or quarterly basis for the fiscal year 2020, during the ordinary general meeting (OGM) slated for June 29, the company said in a bourse statement on Tuesday.


They will also vote on determining the maturity and payment date, based on the regulatory procedures under the Companies Law and on the company’s financial situation, cash flows and expansion plans.


In addition, shareholders will vote on the participation of City Cement chairman Prince Abdulaziz bin Mishaal bin Abdulaziz Al-Saud in other competitive businesses.


Shareholders will participate in the meeting through electronic voting as of June 25, in line with the Capital Market Authority's (CMA) circular issued, on March 16, enabling shareholders to participate and vote on general meeting agenda items through Tadawulaty system in line with the government’s efforts to prevent spread of coronavirus.

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