Zoujaj shareholders elect new board for 3-year term

02/04/2020 Argaam

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The National Company for Glass Industries’ (Zoujaj) shareholders approved during the ordinary general meeting (OGM), held on March 29, electing a new board of directors for the upcoming 3-year term, starting from April 9, 2020, until April 8, 2023, the company said in a bourse statement on Thursday.


The new board members are Riyad bin Mohammed bin Al Humaidan, Bandar bin Abdulrahman Al Zamil, Omar bin Riyad Al Humaidan, Ahmed bin Yaqoub Al Fraih, Mohammed bin Sulaiman Al Harbi, Bassam bin Mohammed Al Bassam, Abdullatif bin Ali Al Fawzan, and Mazen bin Abdulaziz Al Manea.


In addition, shareholders ratified the audit committee formation for the new three-year term, starting from April 09, 2020.


The audit committee includes Mohammed bin Sulaiman Al Harbi, Othman bin Riyad Al Humaidan and Mohammed bin Ahmed Al Sheikh.


Shareholders also authorized the board of directors to distribute interim dividends on a semi-annual basis for 2020, in addition to ratifying the board’s decision to distribute a cash dividend of SAR 0.75 for 2018.

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