SAIB H1 2021 net profit rises 21% to SAR 501.3 mln

28/07/2021 Argaam Exclusive

The Saudi Investment Bank (SAIB) reported a net profit of SAR 501.3 million in the first half of 2021, increasing 21% from SAR 413 million in the year-earlier period.


The bank attributed the performance to a reduction in Zakat provisions and total operating expenses, following a decrease in salaries and employee-related expenses, depreciation and amortization, other general and administrative expenses, and provisions for credit and other losses.


This was partially offset by an increase in rent and premises-related expenses.


SAIB's total operating income decreased by 5.3% primarily due lower net special commission income, fair value through profit and loss, exchange income, and dividend income. This was offset by higher fee income from banking services, gains on disposals of FVOCI debt securities and other income.

Financials (M)

Item 6m 2020 6m 2021 Change‬
Net Special Commission Income 1,191.92 1,124.84 (5.6 %)
Operating Income 1,431.01 1,349.10 (5.7 %)
Total Provisions (323.67) (174.58) 46.1 %
Net Income 412.98 501.27 21.4 %
Average Shares 1,250.00 1,250.00 -
EPS (Riyals) 0.33 0.40 21.4 %

In Q2 2021, the bank reported a net profit of SAR 287.8 million, rising 10% from SAR 262.2 million in the same period last year, backed by higher operating income and lower Zakat provisions.


When compared to the previous quarter, Q2 net profit surged 34.8% due to increase in operating income.

Current Quarter Comparison (M)

Compared With The
Item Q2 2020 Q2 2021 Change‬
Net Special Commission Income 609.21 584.55 (4.0 %)
Operating Income 713.29 716.68 0.5 %
Debt Provisions (98.70) (109.73) (11.2 %)
Net Income 262.26 287.77 9.7 %
Average Shares 1,250.00 1,250.00 -
EPS (Riyals) 0.21 0.23 9.7 %

Balance Sheet (B)

Item 6m 2020 6m 2021 Change‬
Assets 104.62 98.41 (5.9 %)
Customer Deposits 64.24 59.81 (6.9 %)
Loan 58.60 56.30 (3.9 %)

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Share Price

(0.04) (0.28 %)

Saudi Investment Bank (SAIB)

Created with Highstock 6.0.710:3010:4511:0011:1511:3011:4512:0012:1512:3012:4513:0013:1513:3013:4514:0014:1514:3014:4515:1514.4414.4614.4814.514.5214.5414.5614.5814.614.6214.64
Close : 14.50 | Jan 2, 15:18

Market Cap (M Riyal) 18,125.00
Shares Outstanding ((M)) 1,250.00
EPS ( Riyal) (TTM) 1.52
EPS Diluted ( Riyal) (TTM) 1.39
Book Value (BV) ( Riyal) 12.27
Par Value ( Riyal) 10.00
Adjusted P/E (Last12) 9.57
P/E (TTM) 9.57
Price/book 1.18
Return on Average Assets (%) (TTM) 1.3
Return on Average Equity (%) (TTM) 13.0

Financial results (Million)

Period Net Special Commission Income Change Operating Income Change Debt Provisions Change
Q1 2012 290.66 (8.1 %) 458.62 10.7 % (115.00) (130.0 %)
Q2 2012 306.47 (5.0 %) 419.40 (1.3 %) (70.00) (20.7 %)
Q3 2012 320.57 6.6 % 407.20 3.1 % (45.00) 60.9 %
Q4 2012 324.24 13.0 % 436.39 14.3 % (25.00) 61.5 %
Q1 2013 339.61 16.8 % 505.38 10.2 % (30.00) 73.9 %
Q2 2013 343.41 12.1 % 518.68 23.7 % (30.00) 57.1 %
Q3 2013 346.63 8.1 % 501.41 23.1 % (30.00) 33.3 %
Q4 2013 335.34 3.4 % 491.19 12.6 % (15.00) 40.0 %
Q1 2014 354.68 4.4 % 533.35 5.5 % (141.00) (370.0 %)
Q2 2014 371.05 8.0 % 550.75 6.2 % (21.00) 30.0 %
Q3 2014 389.06 12.2 % 576.12 14.9 % (14.00) 53.3 %
Q4 2014 424.77 26.7 % 647.00 31.7 % (45.30) (202.0 %)
Q1 2015 430.57 21.4 % 652.24 22.3 % (23.00) 83.7 %
Q2 2015 430.97 16.1 % 640.48 16.3 % (46.00) (119.0 %)
Q3 2015 441.57 13.5 % 603.17 4.7 % (22.00) (57.1 %)
Q4 2015 428.08 0.8 % 615.17 (4.9 %) (27.00) 40.4 %
Q1 2016 412.80 (4.1 %) 590.74 (9.4 %) (118.00) (413.0 %)
Q2 2016 420.70 (2.4 %) 612.19 (4.4 %) (58.00) (26.1 %)
Q3 2016 460.66 4.3 % 633.14 5.0 % (30.00) (36.4 %)
Q4 2016 377.90 (11.7 %) 569.79 (7.4 %) (40.00) (48.1 %)
Q1 2017 463.02 12.2 % 624.96 5.8 % (45.00) 61.9 %
Q2 2017 486.44 15.6 % 655.84 7.1 % (74.00) (27.6 %)
Q3 2017 508.96 10.5 % 701.64 10.8 % (63.00) (110.0 %)
Q4 2017 583.65 54.4 % 677.44 18.9 % (31.00) 22.5 %
Q1 2018 564.16 21.8 % 686.32 9.8 % (88.55) (96.8 %)
Q2 2018 573.40 17.9 % 671.08 2.3 % (64.21) 13.2 %
Q3 2018 596.51 17.2 % 700.59 (0.1 %) (90.43) (43.5 %)
Q4 2018 553.66 (5.1 %) 654.73 (3.4 %) (3.79) 87.8 %
Q1 2019 581.08 3.0 % 702.19 2.3 % (77.22) 12.8 %
Q2 2019 560.00 (2.3 %) 663.10 (1.2 %) (751.00) (1,069.6 %)
Q3 2019 566.13 (5.1 %) 739.35 5.5 % (66.15) 26.9 %
Q4 2019 570.69 3.1 % 713.59 9.0 % (448.28) (11,724.7 %)
Q1 2020 582.71 0.3 % 717.72 2.2 % (224.98) (191.3 %)
Q2 2020 609.21 8.8 % 713.29 7.6 % (98.70) 86.9 %
Q3 2020 575.46 1.6 % 724.92 (2.0 %) (57.30) 13.4 %
Q4 2020 554.27 (2.9 %) 690.20 (3.3 %) (68.45) 84.7 %
2020 2,321.65 1.9 % 2,846.13 1.0 % (449.41) 66.5 %
Q1 2021 542.96 (6.8 %) 635.08 (11.5 %) (64.84) 71.2 %
Q2 2021 584.55 (4.0 %) 716.68 0.5 % (109.73) (11.2 %)

Profit Performance (Million)

Period Net Income Change EPS(Riyal) Extraordinary Income/Expense Net Profit Before Unusual Items EPS Before XO Items
Q1 2012 212.24 2.1 % 0.17 - 212.24 0.17
Q2 2012 222.39 6.8 % 0.18 - 222.39 0.18
Q3 2012 231.80 61.0 % 0.19 - 231.80 0.19
Q4 2012 245.62 66.6 % 0.20 - 245.62 0.20
Q1 2013 314.27 48.1 % 0.25 - 314.27 0.25
Q2 2013 320.40 44.1 % 0.26 - 320.40 0.26
Q3 2013 325.39 40.4 % 0.26 - 325.39 0.26
Q4 2013 326.77 33.0 % 0.26 - 326.77 0.26
Q1 2014 337.47 7.4 % 0.27 223.95 113.52 0.09
Q2 2014 352.96 10.2 % 0.28 - 352.96 0.28
Q3 2014 371.17 14.1 % 0.30 - 371.17 0.30
Q4 2014 374.87 14.7 % 0.30 0.00 374.87 0.30
Q1 2015 366.70 8.7 % 0.29 - 366.70 0.29
Q2 2015 382.57 8.4 % 0.31 - 382.57 0.31
Q3 2015 351.43 (5.3 %) 0.28 - 351.43 0.28
Q4 2015 227.96 (39.2 %) 0.18 - 227.96 0.18
Q1 2016 210.00 (42.7 %) 0.17 - 210.00 0.17
Q2 2016 321.37 (16.0 %) 0.26 - 321.37 0.26
Q3 2016 219.43 (37.6 %) 0.18 - 219.43 0.18
Q4 2016 302.17 32.6 % 0.24 - 302.17 0.24
Q1 2017 344.94 64.3 % 0.28 - 344.94 0.28
Q2 2017 355.65 10.7 % 0.28 - 355.65 0.28
Q3 2017 358.35 63.3 % 0.29 - 358.35 0.29
Q4 2017 351.86 16.4 % 0.28 - 351.86 0.28
Q1 2018 346.01 0.3 % 0.28 - 346.01 0.28
Q2 2018 336.78 (5.3 %) 0.27 - 336.78 0.27
Q3 2018 345.73 (3.5 %) 0.28 - 345.73 0.28
Q4 2018 (452.62) (228.6 %) (0.36) (750.51) 297.89 0.24
Q1 2019 281.45 (18.7 %) 0.23 - 281.45 0.23
Q2 2019 (284.74) (184.5 %) (0.23) - (284.74) (0.23)
Q3 2019 311.93 (9.8 %) 0.25 - 311.93 0.25
Q4 2019 (69.18) 84.7 % (0.06) - (69.18) (0.06)
Q1 2020 150.71 (46.5 %) 0.12 - 150.71 0.12
Q2 2020 262.26 192.1 % 0.21 - 262.26 0.21
Q3 2020 301.37 (3.4 %) 0.24 19.40 281.97 0.23
Q4 2020 265.21 483.4 % 0.21 - 265.21 0.21
2020 979.56 309.1 % 0.78 19.40 960.16 0.77
Q1 2021 213.50 41.7 % 0.17 - 213.50 0.17
Q2 2021 287.77 9.7 % 0.23 - 287.77 0.23

Balance Sheet (B)

Period Assets Change Customer Deposits Change Loan Change
Q1 2012 52.19 1.9 % 36.94 (2.7 %) 27.98 (9.1 %)
Q2 2012 53.46 5.7 % 38.08 5.5 % 29.79 (2.7 %)
Q3 2012 55.05 8.7 % 38.84 6.0 % 31.79 4.3 %
Q4 2012 59.07 13.7 % 40.41 9.9 % 34.05 25.6 %
Q1 2013 63.13 21.0 % 44.04 19.2 % 36.99 32.2 %
Q2 2013 66.66 24.7 % 48.56 27.5 % 40.41 35.6 %
Q3 2013 70.81 28.6 % 51.85 33.5 % 42.73 34.4 %
Q4 2013 80.50 36.3 % 57.04 41.2 % 47.57 39.7 %
Q1 2014 82.86 31.3 % 62.14 41.1 % 52.24 41.2 %
Q2 2014 88.06 32.1 % 67.73 39.5 % 54.77 35.5 %
Q3 2014 90.55 27.9 % 69.68 34.4 % 57.56 34.7 %
Q4 2014 93.63 16.3 % 70.73 24.0 % 57.47 20.8 %
Q1 2015 91.06 9.9 % 69.63 12.0 % 57.32 9.7 %
Q2 2015 92.51 5.1 % 70.48 4.1 % 57.17 4.4 %
Q3 2015 90.27 (0.3 %) 66.82 (4.1 %) 58.08 0.9 %
Q4 2015 93.58 (0.1 %) 70.52 (0.3 %) 60.27 4.9 %
Q1 2016 96.39 5.9 % 70.69 1.5 % 61.62 7.5 %
Q2 2016 95.95 3.7 % 68.09 (3.4 %) 61.25 7.1 %
Q3 2016 96.18 6.5 % 66.45 (0.6 %) 61.29 5.5 %
Q4 2016 93.05 (0.6 %) 65.64 (6.9 %) 60.25 0.0 %
Q1 2017 95.18 (1.3 %) 64.44 (8.8 %) 60.29 (2.2 %)
Q2 2017 96.88 1.0 % 66.56 (2.2 %) 61.63 0.6 %
Q3 2017 98.33 2.2 % 71.06 6.9 % 61.07 (0.4 %)
Q4 2017 93.80 0.8 % 66.94 2.0 % 59.59 (1.1 %)
Q1 2018 91.53 (3.8 %) 61.03 (5.3 %) 57.90 (4.0 %)
Q2 2018 101.95 5.2 % 71.30 7.1 % 59.33 (3.7 %)
Q3 2018 95.45 (2.9 %) 64.02 (9.9 %) 59.54 (2.5 %)
Q4 2018 96.07 2.4 % 63.69 (4.9 %) 59.41 (0.3 %)
Q1 2019 94.83 3.6 % 63.82 4.6 % 58.18 0.5 %
Q2 2019 97.96 (3.9 %) 66.84 (6.3 %) 56.93 (4.1 %)
Q3 2019 96.30 0.9 % 64.96 1.5 % 57.63 (3.2 %)
Q4 2019 100.81 4.9 % 69.06 8.4 % 57.11 (3.9 %)
Q1 2020 100.80 6.3 % 67.64 6.0 % 59.88 2.9 %
Q2 2020 104.62 6.8 % 64.24 (3.9 %) 58.60 2.9 %
Q3 2020 98.34 2.1 % 59.84 (7.9 %) 57.72 0.2 %
Q4 2020 99.88 (0.9 %) 60.14 (12.9 %) 55.07 (3.6 %)
Q1 2021 96.27 (4.5 %) 56.12 (17.0 %) 55.42 (7.4 %)
Q2 2021 98.41 (5.9 %) 59.81 (6.9 %) 56.30 (3.9 %)


Period Return On Average Assets Return on Average Equity Net Interest Income/Total Operating Income
Q1 2012 1.38 % 8.42 % 72.34 %
Q2 2012 1.40 % 8.47 % 71.61 %
Q3 2012 1.54 % 9.30 % 72.27 %
Q4 2012 1.64 % 10.17 % 72.14 %
Q1 2013 1.76 % 11.29 % 73.00 %
Q2 2013 1.85 % 12.22 % 71.10 %
Q3 2013 1.92 % 12.71 % 69.01 %
Q4 2013 1.84 % 13.11 % 67.69 %
Q1 2014 1.79 % 12.91 % 67.50 %
Q2 2014 1.74 % 13.15 % 67.78 %
Q3 2014 1.72 % 12.70 % 67.40 %
Q4 2014 1.65 % 13.00 % 66.73 %
Q1 2015 1.69 % 12.78 % 66.59 %
Q2 2015 1.66 % 13.05 % 66.59 %
Q3 2015 1.63 % 12.38 % 67.95 %
Q4 2015 1.42 % 11.12 % 68.94 %
Q1 2016 1.25 % 9.83 % 69.95 %
Q2 2016 1.18 % 9.38 % 70.34 %
Q3 2016 1.05 % 8.12 % 70.26 %
Q4 2016 1.13 % 8.47 % 69.50 %
Q1 2017 1.24 % 9.49 % 70.58 %
Q2 2017 1.27 % 9.87 % 71.99 %
Q3 2017 1.40 % 10.71 % 71.95 %
Q4 2017 1.51 % 10.72 % 76.77 %
Q1 2018 1.51 % 10.82 % 78.76 %
Q2 2018 1.40 % 10.81 % 81.50 %
Q3 2018 1.42 % 10.75 % 84.73 %
Q4 2018 0.61 % 4.59 % 84.33 %
Q1 2019 0.55 % 4.08 % 84.46 %
Q2 2019 (0.11 %) (0.91 %) 84.22 %
Q3 2019 (0.15 %) (1.18 %) 81.93 %
Q4 2019 0.24 % 2.03 % 80.83 %
Q1 2020 0.11 % 0.96 % 80.44 %
Q2 2020 0.65 % 5.52 % 80.75 %
Q3 2020 0.66 % 5.21 % 81.48 %
Q4 2020 0.98 % 7.73 % 81.57 %
Q1 2021 1.06 % 8.73 % 82.57 %
Q2 2021 1.05 % 8.29 % 81.58 %


Period Customer Deposits Per Total Assets Loans and advances/Total assets Loans and advances/Customers Deposits
Q1 2012 70.79 % 53.61 % 75.74 %
Q2 2012 71.23 % 55.73 % 78.24 %
Q3 2012 70.55 % 57.74 % 81.85 %
Q4 2012 68.42 % 57.65 % 84.26 %
Q1 2013 69.76 % 58.59 % 83.99 %
Q2 2013 72.85 % 60.63 % 83.23 %
Q3 2013 73.22 % 60.33 % 82.40 %
Q4 2013 70.87 % 59.09 % 83.39 %
Q1 2014 75.00 % 63.04 % 84.06 %
Q2 2014 76.91 % 62.19 % 80.86 %
Q3 2014 76.96 % 63.57 % 82.61 %
Q4 2014 75.55 % 61.38 % 81.25 %
Q1 2015 76.46 % 62.94 % 82.32 %
Q2 2015 76.18 % 61.80 % 81.12 %
Q3 2015 74.02 % 64.33 % 86.91 %
Q4 2015 75.36 % 64.40 % 85.47 %
Q1 2016 73.33 % 63.92 % 87.17 %
Q2 2016 70.96 % 63.84 % 89.96 %
Q3 2016 69.08 % 63.72 % 92.24 %
Q4 2016 70.55 % 64.75 % 91.79 %
Q1 2017 67.70 % 63.35 % 93.56 %
Q2 2017 68.70 % 63.61 % 92.59 %
Q3 2017 72.27 % 62.10 % 85.93 %
Q4 2017 71.37 % 63.53 % 89.01 %
Q1 2018 66.68 % 63.25 % 94.86 %
Q2 2018 69.93 % 58.19 % 83.21 %
Q3 2018 67.07 % 62.38 % 93.01 %
Q4 2018 66.30 % 61.84 % 93.28 %
Q1 2019 67.30 % 61.35 % 91.15 %
Q2 2019 68.23 % 58.11 % 85.16 %
Q3 2019 67.46 % 59.84 % 88.71 %
Q4 2019 68.50 % 56.65 % 82.70 %
Q1 2020 67.10 % 59.40 % 88.52 %
Q2 2020 61.41 % 56.02 % 91.22 %
Q3 2020 60.85 % 58.70 % 96.46 %
Q4 2020 60.21 % 55.14 % 91.57 %
Q1 2021 58.30 % 57.57 % 98.75 %
Q2 2021 60.78 % 57.21 % 94.12 %

Per Share Data (Riyal)

Compared With The
Period Shares Outstanding (M) EPS (Riyal) Adjusted EPS (Riyal) EPS Diluted (Riyal) Book Value (BV)
Q1 2012 1,250.00 0.57 0.57 - 6.92
Q2 2012 1,250.00 0.58 0.58 - 6.99
Q3 2012 1,250.00 0.65 0.65 - 7.26
Q4 2012 1,250.00 0.73 0.73 - 7.50
Q1 2013 1,250.00 0.81 0.81 - 7.46
Q2 2013 1,250.00 0.89 0.89 - 7.57
Q3 2013 1,250.00 0.96 0.96 - 7.91
Q4 2013 1,250.00 1.03 1.03 - 8.20
Q1 2014 1,250.00 1.05 0.87 - 8.78
Q2 2014 1,250.00 1.07 0.89 - 8.76
Q3 2014 1,250.00 1.11 0.93 - 9.58
Q4 2014 1,250.00 1.15 0.97 - 9.48
Q1 2015 1,250.00 1.17 1.17 - 9.57
Q2 2015 1,250.00 1.20 1.20 - 9.57
Q3 2015 1,250.00 1.18 1.18 - 9.50
Q4 2015 1,250.00 1.06 1.06 - 9.63
Q1 2016 1,250.00 0.94 0.94 - 9.49
Q2 2016 1,250.00 0.89 0.89 - 9.37
Q3 2016 1,250.00 0.78 0.78 - 9.79
Q4 2016 1,250.00 0.84 0.84 - 10.27
Q1 2017 1,250.00 0.95 0.95 - 10.53
Q2 2017 1,250.00 0.98 0.98 - 10.43
Q3 2017 1,250.00 1.09 1.09 - 10.55
Q4 2017 1,250.00 1.13 1.13 - 10.80
Q1 2018 1,250.00 1.13 1.13 - 10.35
Q2 2018 1,250.00 1.11 1.11 - 10.18
Q3 2018 1,250.00 1.10 1.10 - 10.00
Q4 2018 1,250.00 0.46 1.06 - 9.30
Q1 2019 1,250.00 0.41 1.01 - 9.68
Q2 2019 1,250.00 (0.09) 0.51 - 9.20
Q3 2019 1,250.00 (0.12) 0.49 - 9.57
Q4 2019 1,250.00 0.19 0.19 - 9.61
Q1 2020 1,250.00 0.09 0.09 - 8.39
Q2 2020 1,250.00 0.52 0.52 - 9.79
Q3 2020 1,250.00 0.52 0.50 - 10.25
Q4 2020 1,250.00 0.78 0.77 - 10.66
Q1 2021 1,250.00 0.83 0.82 - 10.71
Q2 2021 1,250.00 0.85 0.84 - 10.81

Multiple Ratios (End of Period Price)

Compared With The
Period P/E Adjusted P/E Price/book
Q1 2012 17.54 17.54 1.44
Q2 2012 12.85 12.85 1.07
Q3 2012 11.69 11.69 1.05
Q4 2012 11.80 11.80 1.15
Q1 2013 10.43 10.43 1.13
Q2 2013 11.70 11.70 1.37
Q3 2013 11.69 11.69 1.42
Q4 2013 13.26 13.26 1.66
Q1 2014 13.94 16.81 1.66
Q2 2014 12.42 14.91 1.52
Q3 2014 14.38 17.14 1.67
Q4 2014 11.70 13.86 1.42
Q1 2015 10.61 10.61 1.30
Q2 2015 9.86 9.86 1.23
Q3 2015 8.91 8.91 1.11
Q4 2015 8.41 8.41 0.93
Q1 2016 8.70 8.70 0.86
Q2 2016 8.00 8.00 0.76
Q3 2016 7.29 7.29 0.58
Q4 2016 10.08 10.08 0.83
Q1 2017 8.18 8.18 0.74
Q2 2017 7.99 7.99 0.75
Q3 2017 8.28 8.28 0.85
Q4 2017 8.02 8.02 0.84
Q1 2018 8.23 8.23 0.90
Q2 2018 9.75 9.75 1.07
Q3 2018 10.05 10.05 1.11
Q4 2018 22.31 9.69 1.11
Q1 2019 27.50 11.14 1.16
Q2 2019 NEG 22.45 1.25
Q3 2019 NEG 19.50 0.99
Q4 2019 More than 100 More than 100 1.13
Q1 2020 More than 100 More than 100 0.89
Q2 2020 14.92 14.92 0.80
Q3 2020 18.38 18.95 0.93
Q4 2020 12.26 12.50 0.90
Q1 2021 11.92 12.15 0.93
Q2 2021 11.92 12.14 0.94

Business Segments (Million)

Compared With The
Period Retail Corporate and Institutional Banking Global markets and Treasury Brokerage and Asset Management Joint Projects Others
Q1 2012 163.47 187.96 79.05 28.15 - -
Q2 2012 170.50 153.23 72.13 23.54 - -
Q3 2012 182.17 122.01 84.83 18.19 - -
Q4 2012 171.57 157.40 88.43 18.99 - -
Q1 2013 174.07 154.75 143.85 32.71 - -
Q2 2013 154.10 171.26 169.87 23.44 - -
Q3 2013 188.69 117.81 173.46 21.46 - -
Q4 2013 161.33 161.54 146.73 21.60 - -
Q1 2014 186.89 196.13 342.87 31.42 - -
Q2 2014 218.89 198.35 98.34 35.18 - -
Q3 2014 222.61 196.14 123.01 34.37 - -
Q4 2014 294.50 237.12 84.60 30.78 - -
Q1 2015 221.00 259.25 140.23 38.90 2.14 (9.28)
Q2 2015 185.47 306.77 131.29 34.83 (6.63) (11.25)
Q3 2015 261.74 220.97 230.40 24.55 (1.83) (132.66)
Q4 2015 240.10 172.33 260.22 22.59 (4.09) (75.97)
Q1 2016 234.59 154.29 229.81 22.08 (10.90) (39.12)
Q2 2016 309.09 306.12 57.15 21.02 (13.03) (68.16)
Q3 2016 275.32 323.22 131.85 18.63 (15.62) (100.27)
Q4 2016 183.70 330.18 101.96 26.32 (15.41) (56.96)
Q1 2017 262.95 282.64 97.03 27.53 - (45.19)
Q2 2017 274.68 266.84 160.26 17.35 - (63.28)
Q3 2017 415.47 269.68 33.74 18.20 - (35.44)
Q4 2017 218.31 251.89 171.57 23.20 - 12.48
Q1 2018 256.17 286.34 172.58 26.04 - (54.81)
Q2 2018 283.77 296.45 222.21 21.98 - (153.32)
Q3 2018 293.95 217.68 125.53 17.18 - 46.25
Q4 2018 423.85 323.97 (92.49) 17.57 - (18.16)
Q1 2019 202.88 328.29 201.57 17.64 - (48.19)
Q2 2019 187.95 318.05 171.84 21.55 - (36.28)
Q3 2019 196.85 355.42 209.49 38.99 - (61.39)
Q4 2019 175.63 360.63 143.54 27.14 - 6.65
Q1 2020 208.37 325.20 223.11 29.03 - (67.98)
Q2 2020 310.69 260.25 153.19 33.87 - (44.70)
Q3 2020 220.83 279.23 322.63 45.89 - (143.66)
Q4 2020 192.40 241.06 223.07 56.03 - (22.35)
Q1 2021 197.33 197.37 247.38 64.57 - (71.57)
Q2 2021 205.80 227.19 222.04 57.76 - 7.89

Analysts Estimates (Million)

Item Q2 2021 (e) Q2 2021 (a) Change‬
Average 236.70 287.77 21.58 %

Estimates vs Actual (Million)

Item Q2 2021 (e) Q2 2021 (a) Change
OSOOL AND BAKHEET 236.70 287.77 21.6 %

Comments 3


مستثمر 911

منذ 4 سنه
افضل الطرق لخراب البيوت. الموظف راح يتظرر في 99% من الحالات.

Gold thinking

منذ 4 سنه

كلام فارغ اذا جاك مدير سيئ لا تتصادم معه كي لا يجعل  منك عبره خل شره واذاه يروح لغيرك وعلى قولة الشيبان المجربين دور العافيه لان هذا المدير ما حطه الا اللي اخس واسوء منه 



منذ 4 سنه

افضل طريقة هي توثيق الأدلة وتجميعها وبعد ذلك تقديمها لأكبر مسؤول في المنظومة مباشرة وبذلك تبرئ ذمتك. قديستغرق الأمر سنوات وكم هائل من التورية والصبر والتسليك لكن في النهاية ستنجح خصوصا اذا تمكنت من كسب ثقة مديرك السيئ لكي تستطيع الاقتراب منه أكثر حتى توثق تقصيره أو تجاوزاته سواء معك أو مع غيرك. عن تجربة شخصية لعبت دور المسكين والأهبل الى ان استطعت توثيق الأدلة بعد سنه ونصف من المعاناة, وايضا من الأفضل ان تصبر دائما وتجمع أكبر قدر ممكن من الأخطاء الموثقة لاحداث أكبر تأثير. وفي النهاية المسامح كريم ههه

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