Element List Explanation
Introduction Retal Urban Development Co. announces the opening of nominations for membership in the Board of Directors for the next session, which begins its work as of May 26, 2025, for a period of four years.



Those who wish to nominate themselves for membership in the Board of Directors, and meet the criteria and conditions, shall submit their nomination applications within the specified period and in accordance with the details contained in this announcement.


Kindly note that the Board of Directors members for the forthcoming session will be elected in the upcoming Shareholders General Assembly meeting whose date will be announced at a later date, upon obtaining the necessary approvals from the applicable authorities.

Type of Assembly New Session
Term Start Date 2025-05-26
Term End Date 2029-05-25
Number of members 9
Nomination Start Date 2025-01-19 Corresponding to 1446-07-19
Nomination End Date 2025-02-20 Corresponding to 1446-08-21
Applications Submission Method Nomination applications, their attachments and the forms referred to shall be sent to the attention of the Nominations and Remuneration Committee before the end of the nomination period specified in the announcement, to the following email address:






All forms shall be sent when it is filled and signed in all the pages by handing them during the official working hours of the company from 9 AM until 4 PM.

Policy and criteria of nomination Nomination will be in accordance with the provisions stipulated in the Companies Law and its Executive Regulations, the Corporate Governance Regulations issued by the Capital Market Authority, and the Policies, Criteria, and Procedures of Nomination for Board of Directors Membership approved by the General Assembly. In addition, nominees must complete the following requirements:



1. Fulfill the Board of Directors membership general conditions and the nomination requirements enlisted in the Policies, Criteria, and Procedures of Nomination for Board of Directors Membership approved by the General Assembly. (attached)


2. Complete Application for Nomination for the Membership of the Board of Directors during the application period specified in the announcement, attached with all required documents. (attached)


3.Complete Form No. (1) CV English and Arabic Language. (attached)


4.Complete and sign Form No. (3) issued by the Capital Market Authority to nominate for membership in the Board of Directors in Arabic and English, clarifying the status of membership and the nature of membership, as well as disclosing to the Board of Directors and the General Assembly of the company any cases of conflict of interest in accordance with the procedures established by the CMA . (attached)


5-Attach clear and valid copy of the national ID and family record, or copy of residency and passport for non-Saudis, and any other relevant documents required by the company to meet the requirements of the regulatory authorities.


6- The nominee must not be prohibited from working in joint-stock companies by the Capital Market Authority or other bodies regulating the work of financial markets inside or outside the Kingdom.


7-Submit a statement that includes the names of companies or institutions that are jointly managed or owned and carry out businesses competing with the company. (If any)


The Nominations and Remuneration Committee will review the applications received by the candidates. The committee will also exclude incomplete nomination applications submitted during the nomination period and will also exclude any candidates not meeting the terms and the criteria for membership contained in the list of standards and procedures for membership in the company’s Board of Directors.

Attachment of the CMA approved resume for the nominees for board memberships in the joint-stock companies listed on the Saudi Exchange
Attached Documents       

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