A look at top REITs in returns in 2023
The Saudi Exchange (Tadawul) has 19 listed real estate investment funds (REITs).
Some funds announced cash dividends for 2023, including Riyad REIT, AlJazira REIT, Jadwa REIT Al Haramain, Taleem REIT, Al Maather REIT, Musharaka REIT, Mulkia Gulf Real Estate REIT, AlAhli REIT 1, Jadwa REIT Saudi, Al Rajhi REIT, Derayah REIT, SEDCO Capital REIT, Bonyan REIT, Alinma Retail REIT, MEFIC REIT, Alkhabeer REIT, and Alinma Hospitality REIT.
However, SICO Saudi REIT and Alistithmar REIT (listed in 2023) did not distribute dividends for 2023.
Jadwa REIT Saudi topped the list of funds in terms of dividend yield based in the last reported fiscal year, with a yield of 7.12%, followed by Bonyan REIT (7.1%), and Alkhabeer REIT (7.04%).
Jadwa REIT Saudi paid a cash dividend at SAR 0.8 per unit for 2023.
Bonyan REIT distributed a cash dividend at SAR 0.66 per unit for 2023.
Alkhabeer REIT paid a cash dividend for 2023 at SAR 0.42 a unit.
The data has been adjusted while taking into account capital increases through bonus share distributions or rights issues.
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