Logo of Rawasi Albina Investment Co.

Rawasi Albina Investment Co.'s shares will start trading on Nomu-Parallel Market today, August 18, under the symbol 9547 and ISIN Code SA15JGK4L5H6.

The stock will have +/- 30% daily price fluctuation limits and +/- 10% static price fluctuation limits.

The Capital Market Authority (CMA) approved, on June 15, the company’s application to list its shares on Nomu, Argaam earlier reported. 

The company announced on July 18, its registration document to list on Nomu, setting its price guidance at SAR 40/share. 

This is the 22nd listing on Nomu this year, divided into 11 direct listings and 11 listings through offering shares to qualified investors.


Company Info:

Rawasi Albina established as a closed joint stock company in 2008 in Riyadh. The company's capital currently stands at SAR 55 million.


The company's main activities are represented in infrastructure works for telecom, electricity and water projects, through extending electrical wires and networks, telecom cabins, water pipelines extension, as well as repair of water distribution main pipelines and stations.


Company Profile


Rawasi Albina Investment Co.


Nomu-Parallel Market

Core Activities

Telecom, water, energy and artificial intelligence




SAR 55 mln


Direct Listing Profile

Number of shares

5.5 mln

Share par value

SAR 10

Share price guidance upon listing

SAR 40

Method of setting share opening price

The opening price of the stock shall be set based on the supply and demand for the stock, through the pre-opening auction mechanism. During that period, investors can place buy/sell orders, after which the trading system defines the fair price at which orders are executed after being matched during the auction period. The execution price will be the opening price, with a 30% daily fluctuation ratio.


The price guidance is considered a reference only for the fair market value, which is the debut price for the first day only.

Qualified investors

- Current shareholders (except for owners of 5% or more, to whom the lock-up period shall apply).


- Qualified investors categories


Company Shareholders


Before Direct Listing

Number of shares (‘000)


Mohsen Al-Otaibi



Saad Ammash Al-Shammari



Saleh Al Olayan



Other 57 shareholders (each owning less than 5%)







Additional Information

Financial Advisor

Marifa Capital


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